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2018 MoRivCC EcoArtFest - Vendor's Forms

  • Cooper's Landing 11505 Smith Hatchery Road Columbia, MO, 65203 United States (map)

2018 MoRivCC EcoArtFest

September 8th from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. and September 9th from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Cooper’s Landing

Artist Booth Registration

(Please Print)


Artist’s Name__________________________________________________




Telephone(___)______________ Email_________________________


Website, networks, associations, etc. ______________________________




Description of Artwork __________________________________________



Booth Space fee is $25 if received by August 31, 2018. On or after September 1st, the registration fee will be $40. Reservation commences with receipt of payment. Send registration and fee to MoRivCC, 11505 Smith Hatchery Rd., Columbia MO 65203.

Artwork sold must be created by the artist/studio signing this agreement. Artists are encouraged to display or present work consistent with an environmental theme.

10 percent of total art sales will be paid as a tax deductible donation to the Missouri River Cultural Conservancy (MoRivCC). Additional donations are gratefully accepted. MoRivCC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Neither Cooper’s Landing nor MoRivCC will be held responsible or liable in any way for the loss or damage of any artist’s property or display. Exhibition space is assigned and measures approximately 12’x12’. Artists are responsible for their own booth design. Electricity is available; artist must supply outdoor power cord to use it. There is no rain date. Artists must park their vehicles in designated areas.

Setup begins at 9 a.m. Breakdown cannot start before 6 p.m. (Sunset is around 7:20.) Carry-in food or drink is not allowed in the entertainment area; it must be kept at artist’s booth. Cooper’s Landing’s liquor license does not permit wine or hard liquor anywhere on the property. No pets are allowed on the property.

To help in assigning booth spaces, please check any that apply:

I will be camping_____ I will need electricity_____

I will need water_____ I can set up on concrete_____not on concrete_____

Wherever possible, we will endeavor to accommodate booth holders’ needs, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to fulfill all requests.

I have read and understand the above registration requirements. I consent to all terms and will comply with this agreement.


Artist’s signature ________________________________________

Date _________________

Reserved camping is available at Cooper’s Landing. To reserve a campsite, contact: Phone (573) 657-2544 or


The mission of the Missouri River Cultural Conservancy

is to document, record, archive, and foster awareness

of the unique history and culture

of the Central Missouri River Region.


Please return this form with payment to:

11505 Smith Hatchery Rd.

Columbia MO 65203



2018 MoRivCC EcoArtFest

September 8th from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. and

September 9th from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Cooper’s Landing

Non-Profit Group Booth Registration

(Please Print)


Group’s Name__________________________________________________




Telephone(___)______________ Email_________________________


Website, networks, associations, etc. ______________________________




Description of Group's Mission ____________________________________




Please check one: Taking money _______ Not taking money ________

Booth space is free if your organization is not taking donations or selling any items. Booth space for nonprofits taking donations is $20 if received by August 31, 2018. On and after September 1st, the booth fee will be $30. Reservation commences with receipt of payment. Send registration and fee to MoRivCC, 11505 Smith Hatchery Rd., Columbia MO 65203.

Groups signing this agreement are encouraged to display work consistent with EcoArtFest’s environmental theme.

Fees will be paid as a tax deductible donation to the Missouri River Cultural Conservancy (MoRivCC). Any additional donations are gratefully accepted. MoRivCC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Neither Cooper’s Landing nor MoRivCC will be held responsible or liable in any way for the loss or damage of any property or display. Exhibition space is assigned and measures approximately 12’x12’. Groups are responsible for their own booth design. Electricity is available; group must supply outdoor power cord to use it. There is no rain date. Groups must park their vehicles in designated areas.

Setup begins at 9 a.m. Breakdown cannot start before 6 p.m. (Sunset is around 7:20.) Carry-in food or drink is not allowed in the entertainment area; it must be kept at group’s booth. Cooper’s Landing’s liquor license does not permit wine or hard liquor anywhere on the property. No pets are allowed on the property.

To help in assigning booth spaces, please check any that apply:

I will be camping_____ I will need electricity_____

I will need water_____ I can set up on concrete_____not on concrete_____

Wherever possible, we will endeavor to accommodate booth holders’ needs, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to fulfill all requests.

I have read and understand the above registration requirements. I consent to all terms and will comply with this agreement.


Contact’s signature ______________________________________

Date _________________


Reserved camping is available at Cooper’s Landing. To reserve a campsite, contact: Phone (573) 657-2544 or


The mission of the Missouri River Cultural Conservancy

is to document, record, archive, and foster awareness

of the unique history and culture

of the Central Missouri River Region.

Please return this form with payment to:

11505 Smith Hatchery Rd.

Columbia MO 65203




2018 MoRivCC EcoArtFest

September 8th from 12 p.m. to 9 p.m. and

September 9th from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Cooper’s Landing

Vendor Booth Registration

(Please Print)


Artist’s Name__________________________________________________




Telephone(___)______________ Email_________________________


Website, networks, associations, etc. ______________________________




Description of Artwork __________________________________________



Booth Space fee is $25 if received by August 31, 2018. On or after September 1st, the registration fee will be $40. Reservation commences with receipt of payment. Send registration and fee to MoRivCC, 11505 Smith Hatchery Rd., Columbia MO 65203.

Vendors signing this agreement are encouraged to display, produce, and sell work consistent with EcoArtFest’s environmental theme.

10 percent of total art sales will be paid as a tax deductible donation to the Missouri River Cultural Conservancy (MoRivCC). Additional donations are gratefully accepted. MoRivCC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Neither Cooper’s Landing nor MoRivCC will be held responsible or liable in any way for the loss or damage of any vendor’s property or display. Exhibition space is assigned and measures approximately 12’x12’. Vendors are responsible for their own booth design. Electricity is available; vendor must supply outdoor power cord to use it. There is no rain date. Vendors must park their vehicles in designated areas.

Setup begins at 9 a.m. Breakdown cannot start before 6 p.m. (Sunset is around 7:20.) Carry-in food or drink is not allowed in the entertainment area; it must be kept at vendor’s booth. Cooper’s Landing’s liquor license does not permit wine or hard liquor anywhere on the property. No pets are allowed on the property.

To help in assigning booth spaces, please check any that apply:

I will be camping_____ I will need electricity_____

I will need water_____ I can set up on concrete_____not on concrete_____

Wherever possible, we will endeavor to accommodate booth holders’ needs, but we cannot guarantee that we will be able to fulfill all requests.

I have read and understand the above registration requirements. I consent to all terms and will comply with this agreement.

Vendor’s signature ______________________________________

Date _________________

Reserved camping is available at Cooper’s Landing. To reserve a campsite, contact: Phone (573) 657-2544 or

The mission of the Missouri River Cultural Conservancy

is to document, record, archive, and foster awareness

of the unique history and culture

of the Central Missouri River Region.


Please return this form with payment to:

11505 Smith Hatchery Rd.

Columbia MO 65203

Earlier Event: September 8
MoRivCC's 13th Annual EcoArt Fest
Later Event: December 4
COMO Gives Campaign for MORivCC